Fox Lady 9 Tails Locket KB Kampeng Amulet



1 in stock



Name: Fox Lady 9 Tails Jing Jork Kao Hang
From: KB Kampeng
Year: 2565 BE – 2022
Amulet size: 4x6cm

Power: Nang Jing Jork Kao Hang will make the owner charming, attractive and lucky in love. This lady will also bring love, compassion and compromise from people to the owner.

The Biography of KB Kampeng:
KB Kampeng is a monk who succeeded in many fields of meditation practice. Because he follows the path of Bodhisattva (Buddha). KB Kampeng specializes in Borikam Phawana, a kind of meditation by chanting along in mind. In those days, KB Kampeng could do Borikam Phawana 18 hours a day continuously for many years. But these days, due to his senility, KB Kampeng can do Borikam Phawana only 8 hours a day. Not only Borikam Phawana, Kruba Khampeng is also good at Kasina, visual meditation by looking at and focusing mind on an object.

Having been practicing several kinds of meditation for a long time, KB Kampeng discovered wonderful sacred knowledge such as Maha Aoot Kong Kaphan (invulnerability), Metta (loving-kindness), etc. and above all he knows “Knowledge of Transferring Universal Energy”. Knowledge of Transferring Energy is not new. Every magic guru in the past knew it. But at present a few people know it.