Hoon Payon Protection Watch Over Home Magic LP Ngoen



1 in stock



Name: Hoon Payon Arkom Magic Doll
Limited quantity Built: only 100 pcs
From: LP Ngoen, Wat Ban Or, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Year: 2567 BE (2024 CE)
Material: Wood, rope
Size: 1.8 x 4 inch (4 x 9.5 cm)

Power: The spirit doll known as “Hoon Payon ” is frequently depicted as a grown man. Considered a Prai or spirit, Hoon Payon was crafted by ancient magic practitioners to aid them. Not only can Hoon Payon warn its owner of impending danger and provide protection, but it can also bring luck in various endeavors such as gambling, lucky draws, and business ventures. Additionally, Hoon Payon serves as a guardian against negative entities and events, and will safeguard one’s home and possessions by warding off potential thieves.

*** Weekly offer plain water.